All paintings by Do-Kan AllBlueBrownCircles black and whiteCircles, colourGreenLines and dotsOtherPurpleRedWhiteYellow 0020 HydrogenOther 0019 BreathOther FlowCircles black and white, White Happy MovementCircles, colour 0018Brown, Circles, colour, Green 0017Circles, colour, Green, Yellow 0016Circles, colour, Green, Yellow 0015Circles, colour, Red, Yellow 0014Circles, colour, Red, Yellow 0013Circles, colour, Purple 0012Brown, Circles, colour, Yellow 011Brown, Circles, colour 010Blue, Circles, colour 009Blue, Circles, colour 007Brown, Circles, colour 006Circles, colour, Red, Yellow 005Brown, Circles, colour, Red circlecolor20130922-01Circles, colour, Green 0004Circles, colour, Red, Yellow 0003Brown, Circles, colour, Red Line 220902 Wild Mind Art PaintingsGreen, Lines and dots, Yellow line20130922-01Lines and dots, Yellow dot20130922-02Lines and dots dot20130922-01Lines and dots circlebw20130922-05Circles black and white circlebw20130922-04Circles black and white circlebw20130922-03Circles black and white circlebw20130922-02Circles black and white circlebw20130922-01Circles black and white 002Brown, Circles, colour, Yellow No TraceCircles, colour SilenceCircles, colour Great WindCircles, colour